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Wraps Made From Lentils! Our Newest Recipe Recommendation:

After seeing a popular trend across social media of people creating wraps from lentils and oats, we decided to try the recipe ourselves! The steps to prepare and cook the wraps were quite simple, almost seemingly too easy. Start by soaking 1 cup of lentils (we used brown lentils, but you can use whatever you have on hand) in 2 cups of water. Allow the lentils to soak for about 2-3 hours till they are softened and can be blended. Next, grab a blender and pour the lentils in along with the water they were soaking in. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt and blend completely until the mixture turns into a batter-like consistency. When the batter is ready, heat a pan on low to medium heat. Feel free to use some cooking spray or olive oil to the pan as to prevent the batter from sticking. Coat the pan with enough batter just to cover the surface of the pan. Allow batter to cook for about 2 minutes on each side- we noticed when bubbles started to form they were ready to be flipped! Repeat the process until all of the batter is used, this should make about 8-10 wraps!

These wraps are not only easy to make, but taste great as well! They are a healthier alternative to other flour wraps because they have a much higher protein content, and are lower in calories as well! Each wrap contains about 5g of protein and is about 100 calories. They also do not contain any additives or preservatives which other store-bought wraps can contain. We would love for you to try this recipe out and let us know your thoughts!

Written by: Elizabeth Hoffman, Ellen Byron & Associates

Link to Recipe:

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