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Review of a Recent Study on Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

A recent study published in a peer reviewed journal, Cell, looks at the effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on the gut microbiome and glycemic control.

"Short-term benefits of non-nutritive sweeteners are outweighed by 'possible long-term undesirable effects'" - part of the guidelines drafted by WHO

Non-nutritive sweeteners are artificial sugars that are often used in diet products because they have low or no calories. There are many different kinds of non-nutritive sweeteners including: aspartame, stevia, sucralose, ace-k, and monk fruit.

The study looked specifically at stevia, sucralose, and aspartame. The control groups were given either glucose supplementation or no supplementation at all. Each group wore a continuous glucose monitor and was given the assigned supplementation for two weeks.

The study found that there were significant metabolic changes in some of the groups. The stevia and aspartame groups experienced variable changes, where some people developed altered glucose tolerance and some people did not. The saccharin and sucralose groups experienced significant changes to their glucose tolerance.

"Saccharin and sucralose significantly impacted glucose tolerance in healthy adults"

So what does this mean?

The results suggest that non-nutritive sweeteners can impact individuals gut microbiome and glucose tolerance. The impact varies among individuals, but caution should be taken when considering the use of non-nutritive sweeteners, especially sucralose and saccharin.

Experts stress that although non-sugar sweeteners should not be used as means of weight loss or reducing the risk of diseases like obesity or diabetes, regular added sugars should be limited as well. Their suggestion - stick to non-sweetened beverages and limit intake of sugary products.

Dr. Elinav states "we should not assume they are safe until proven otherwise"

Written by: Meghan Hawley, Ellen Byron and Associates


Watson, E. (2022, August 19). Non-nutritive sweeteners back in the spotlight as new study challenges notion they are inert and says they can impact glycemic tolerance. foodnavigator. Retrieved August 25, 2022, from

Suez, Jotham, et al. “Personalized Microbiome-Driven Effects of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Human Glucose Tolerance.” Cell, Elsevier, 19 Aug. 2022, DOI:


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