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Podcast Review: Seed Oils and the destruction of Mitochondria

Paul Saladino, MD hosts Tucker Goodrich on his podcast Fundamental Health to discuss the effect of seed oils on mitochondria in the body and chronic disease.

They discussed a number of research studies that support that linoleic acid which is the main Omega-6 fatty acid in seed oils has detrimental effects on health.

Linoleic acid was originally introduced into the Western Diet when cottonseed oil was refined to remove the toxic properties and made into Crisco. Since then linoleic acid levels in the diet have continued to rise.

Unfortunately, linoleic acid is a poly-unsaturated fat that is very susceptible to oxidative stress (fats that oxidize are commonly called "rancid"). When it is broken down and oxidized into metabolites it can be very toxic to the body, specifically the mitochondria, which as many know is the "powerhouse of the cell". Mitochondria are made up by a phospholipid layer which is heavily comprised of a substance called cardiolipin. Cardiolipin is impacted by the diet, specifically linoleic acids from seed oils. Studies have found that when cardiolipin is oxidized and impacted by linoleic acid it plays a role in autoimmune diseases such as lupus, heart failure, fibromyalgia, atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancers, and more. Even more interestingly oxidized cardiolipins that are introduced to a hyperglycemic state end up causing the destruction of mitochondria which in turn worsens glucose control due to fewer mitochondria to break down glucose into the usable energy source in the body (ATP). This causes a worsening or development of type 2 diabetes.

As cells are introduced to more and more linoleic acid over years the effects continue to worsen leading into chronic diseases over the lifetime. There are many different metabolites of linoleic acid that are being studied for their impact on chronic diseases. Some of the chronic diseases found to be influenced by these metabolites are, atherosclerosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, ARDS, platelet aggregation (blood clotting), cancer, retina macular degeneration, dementia, type 2 diabetes, asthma, heart failure, and more.

Dr. Saladino states that although most of these studies were completed on mice trials, the function of the mitochondria is fundamental to cell function and is comparable in mice, humans, and even plants. There are a few studies completed with human subjects as well that supports this hypothesis.

The recommendations by Paul Saladino, MD and Tucker Goodrich are to cut out seed oils, avoid refined carbohydrates, and overall eat more like your ancestors. They also emphasize that intake of linoleic acid will never be and has never been zero, the issue is the severe increase of intake over the last 150 years.




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