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Lentils- A Glucose Control Super Food

Pulses and Legumes are great sources of carbohydrates because they are packed with fiber, minerals, protein, and polyphenols.

Research has found that lentils are the best type of pulses for glucose control because they are highest in fiber and polyphenols which helps them to digest slower. Compared to other pulses, like chickpeas, there is a significantly lower blood sugar spike. Slower, more steady digestion means that glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream at a slower and more steady rate and doesn't create a major spike. This also means that insulin levels are kept low.

When looking into different types of lentils, it was found that boiled, powdered, or paste lentils all had similar effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.

The high levels of fiber can cause some people to have more bloating or gas levels, but slowly adding lentils into your diet can help your body to adjust better. Also using home-cooked lentils rather than pre-cooked or canned can be better for preventing bloating or gas. Soaking the lentils overnight also makes them easier to digest, without losing the many benefits for blood sugar and insulin levels.

Written By: Meghan Hawley, Ellen Byron and Associates


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