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Interesting Article: Ultra-Processed Foods and Health Status

At Ellen Byron and Associates, we aim to spread the message of “food as medicine” and encourage people to live as much of a minimally processed diet as possible. A recent article published by Medical News Today showed an interesting correlation between ultra-processed foods and the risk of second heart attack or stroke. First, we need to define what ultra-processed foods are. These are foods that contain 5 or more industrial-produced ingredients. These foods tend to be low in nutrition and full of chemicals, additives, and preservatives which can be detrimental to our well-being. For people who have a history of Cardiovascular Disease and may have experienced a heart attack or stroke in the past, consuming these types of highly processed foods can increase their chances of having another cardiac event or stroke.

The article distinguishes the 4 different classification groups of processed foods. Group 1 is what should be prioritized in the diet: unprocessed foods or very minimally processed. Group 2 is comprised of processed culinary ingredients such as olive oil and seasonings. Group 3 is processed foods, including things like cheese and bread. Lastly, Group 4 is made up of ultra-processed foods and drinks. These are the foods that typically come to mind when you hear the word “processed,” chips, soda, candy, etc.

The consumption of these foods is also correlated with a higher risk of developing high BMI levels of overweight and obesity. The effect of this shows the domino effect that can be caused by diet: consumption of processed foods is the catalyst to a variety of metabolic and chronic diseases. According to a compilation of studies comprised of diet recalls food records, and food-frequency questionnaires, the consumption of ultra-processed foods correlated with 3 things. First, a higher risk of overweight and obese body mass index. Secondly, an increased waist circumference. Lastly, an increased risk of metabolic syndrome was shown among participants in the study. Metabolic syndrome is comprised of diabetes, obesity, and hypercholesterolemia. When ultra-processed foods are consumed, our bodies are deprived of the nutrients we need even so far as at the cellular level. In turn, our tissues, systems, and organs become affected over time. The research and science are clear: ultra-processed foods are like toxins to our body, and we must strive to maintain a diet that is minimally processed. A minimally processed diet is the key to living a maximal life!

Written By: Elizabeth Hoffman


Robby Berman. “Ultra-Processed Foods Increase Risk of Second Heart Attack.” Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, 8 Dec. 2021,

Pagliai, G et al. “Consumption of ultra-processed foods and health status: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” The British journal of nutrition vol. 125,3 (2021): 308-318. doi:10.1017/S0007114520002688

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