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Cholesterol and Refined Carbohydrates

What is Cholesterol?

First things first, what is cholesterol? Everyone hears about it, but few people really know what it is.

Cholesterol is a wax like substance that is used in the body to help build cell membranes and produce hormones. The body makes enough cholesterol for the job, so eating more cholesterol is not necessary or very good for you.

There are two types of cholesterol, HDL which is the healthy cholesterol and LDL, the bad cholesterol.

For more explanation on cholesterol check out this video by The American Heart Association:

What's the Big Deal?

Cholesterol is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease. LDL buildup is what causes the blockage of arteries leading to a heart attack or stroke.

It is important to keep HDL levels higher than LDL because it transports LDL out of the blood stream and keeps it from clogging up the arteries.

The goal is to have less than 150 milligrams per deciliter of cholesterol in the blood. About 107 million Americans have levels over 200 milligrams per deciliter. Most coronary artery disease victims have a level of 225 milligrams per deciliter. The number of Americans nearly at or above the level of most coronary artery disease victims is shocking and needs to be addressed.

What can You Do?

Lifestyle, diet and exercise, is the biggest risk factor for high cholesterol and heart disease.

Evidence has shown that switching to a plant based diet can not only help prevent heart disease, but can also help reverse the disease because plants have no dietary cholesterol or saturated fats. A plant based diet also has high fiber which helps slow down digestion and allow for the cholesterol to be removed as you digest.

Foods that have high cholesterol include meats, dairy, and eggs, which also tend to have higher saturated fat.

Here is one plant based cookbook with a meal plan and description of the benefits of plant based diets for many chronic diseases, including heart disease and cholesterol.

If you aren't ready for a fully plant based diet. Check out this cookbook and meal plan for lowering cholesterol.

Refined Carbohydrates and Cholesterol

Refined carbohydrates are any carbohydrates that have been processed and stripped of their nutrients and fiber. Because they are missing much of their nutritious value they are processed very quickly. They provide a lot of calories with very little nutritional gain.

New research is showing a greater connection between high cholesterol and refined carbohydrates than previously thought. In the past the focus was on saturated fats and cholesterol because saturated fats trigger extra cholesterol production in the body and raise both HDL and LDL levels. This article explains other myths that have been busted about heart disease.

However, now research is finding that refined carbohydrates raise LDL more than HDL which throws off the balance and leaves more bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and clogging arteries without the good stuff (HDL) to clear it away.

When choosing what to eat aim for foods that have high soluble fiber like oats, barley, and beans. Also look for whole foods that have plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Check out this article by the American Heart Association for more info on refined carbs.

Replacing refined carbohydrates for more complex and Whole Foods can be simple. Try out some of these easy swaps.

Here is another recipe to get you started on eating a more heart healthy plant based diet with whole, unrefined carbs.


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