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Article Review: "Safe Limit" to the Holiday Sugar Binge

A recent article asked three different doctors their thoughts on the holiday candy and sugar binge and if it was safe for people that limit sugar regularly. They called this the "sugar binge".

Major Long Term Effects of Sugar-

  1. Liver Fat Accumulation

  2. Disruptions to the Leptin hormone which helps tell your body you're full.

  3. Metabolic damage resulting in increased risk for diabetes, obesity, etc.

Short Term Effects of Sugar-

  1. GI Disruption; stomach pain, bloating, diarrhea, etc.

  2. Trouble with absorption of nutrients

The doctors caution on the dangers of having too much sugar, even if it is just for one day on Halloween or Thanksgiving. Their concern is that even one day of increased sugar and candy eating can lead to an increased craving of sugar. If you don't normally eat a lot of sugar the rest of the year, one day could cause major spikes in your blood sugar and the dopamine (happy or pleasure hormone) which can be the gateway to a sugar craving problem.

So, what do the doctors recommend for eating candy in "moderation"? They recommend no more than 2-3 small pieces of candy. Another way of looking at it would be 25-37.5 grams of sugar maximum, which is still 6-9 teaspoons! Just keep in mind that any "binge" of sugar can be feeding into a deeper craving and increase your long-term health risks.

Written by: Meghan Hawley, Ellen Byron and Associates


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