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Article Review: High-Fiber Foods Release Appetite-Suppressing Gut Hormone

A study conducted this year looked at how the fiber content of food effects the release of appetite-suppressing gut hormones, specifically peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY) and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1).

The researchers looked at three different diets; high-fiber diet with intact fiber, high-fiber with disrupted structure (blended or mashed), and low-fiber processed foods. Each diet was equal in calories and macronutrient distribution (carbohydrates, protein, fats). Both high-fiber diets had about 46 grams of fiber, while the low fiber diet was about 13 grams of fiber.

They found that both high fiber diets increased PYY, but not the GLP-1 release compared to the low-fiber diet. Both high fiber diets also resulted in less hunger after 120 minutes. The molecules in the ileum portion of the small bowel are shaped by dietary intake (such as the amount of fiber) and also play a role in PYY release and therefore incresing satiety. This study helped establish the relationship between high fiber diets and the structure of the ileal molecules which impacts the release of PYY and subsequently effects satiety, playing a role in weight loss.

The interesting finding in this study was that both mashed/blended and intact fibers caused this increase in PYY which is contradictory to previous findings. It should be noted that the more broken down fibers have been shown to increase blood sugars more than intact fiber. A balanced diet of whole foods with intact fibers should be encouraged as much as possible!

Some great sources of intact fiber are, of course fruits and vegetable, but also legumes and beans. Legumes and beans are nutritional powerhouses because they have great fiber, vitamin, and phytonutrient content, while being a good source of plant-based protein as well. Great options include chickpeas, lentils, black beans, pinto beans, edamame, and kidney beans. Beans are simple to add into meals or as a side to increase fiber content of meals!




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