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What is the anti-inflammatory diet?

The anti-inflammatory diet was created for patients with imbalanced gut bacteria which causes inflammation. The diet has three key components, helping to restore a balance between good and bad bacteria while also promoting healthy eating. Which makes this diet a great tool for anyone looking to better improve their eating habits.

1. Promoting the beneficial intestinal bacteria with

  • Vegetables and fruit

  • Soluble fibers (oats, flax seeds, lentils, beans)

  • Proteins and fats (beans, nuts, lean meats, olive oil, avocado, fish, soy, flax seed)

  • Probiotics (yogurt, kefir, miso, kimchi, sauerkraut, local honey)

  • Prebiotics (artichokes, leeks, asparagus, kombucha, bananas)

2. Decreasing the inflammatory bacteria by eliminating certain carbohydrates like:

  • Refines sugars and certain starches

  • Grains (steel-cut and rolled oats are allowed)

  • Lactose (anything containing milk or cream)

3. Together, the foods in this diet decrease bowel inflammation, aid in the repair of the gut, and help to restore balance to the immune system.

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