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Fueling Your Body

Think about your body as a car. Cars need fuel to run, and for us that fuel is food. If you put bad fuel into your car, it's going to run weird; it might make weird noises or jerk around while you drive it. If you put a better quality fuel in, your car will run more smoothly. So why would you treat your body any differently?

What we put into our bodies influences every aspect of our life, because by putting low quality fuel into our engine (stomach), we won't run at our best performance. You also won't win any races with bad fuel, either. So when we eat poor quality foods, we'll never achieve the results we want to.

Achieving weight loss goals is challenging, and most of us have been in a place where we want to lose 10 pounds but find it extremely difficult to get results.

Have you ever heart the phrase, "abs are built in the kitchen"? This is true!

Studies show that if you exercise regularly but don't have a healthful diet to accompany your exercise regime, you won't lose weight.

Try to stay away from fad diets when you are starting to eat better. And, DON'T cut out food groups (especially carbs). Carbohydrates (bread, pasta, muffins, etc.) provide glucose, which is the best form of fuel for our bodies.

Without carbs, our bodies will use other things for energy, like ketones, which is the equivalent of putting bad gas into your car. The car will still run, but not as efficiently.

Try to avoid refined carbohydrates, though. Things like white bread, sugary cereals, and white pasta will still provide glucose, but they will be used up quickly by your body. Instead, look for whole grains. These will last longer and provide a steadier stream of glucose, which will keep you running longer.

Along with whole grains, include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet. These will provide fiber and nutrients that are essential for a healthy mind and body.

Also, our bodies NEED fat, so don't think that a no fat diet is the healthiest option. Just like carbs, you need to choose the healthier fats. These healthy fats will be found in foods like olive oil, nuts, and avocados. Fat should make up 30% of our daily calories, so don't be afraid to include fat in your diet!

So don't treat your car better than you treat your body; make sure to put high quality fuel into your tank before hitting the road. A diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins (chicken, fish), and whole grains will help you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your overall well being!

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