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Magnesium - what is it, how do we get it, and what does it do for our bodies?

In this post I wanted to talk about magnesium, the fourth most abundant mineral in our bodies. Magnesium plays an important role in our brain and body health.

Magnesium helps convert our food into energy, helps form proteins and amino acids, helps create and repair DNA and RNA, helps our muscles move, and helps regulate our nervous system.

Magnesium also helps exercise performance, fights depression, and may have benefits against type 2 diabetes, by reducing insulin resistance. It can also lower your blood pressure and help lower inflammation associated with aging, obesity, and chronic disease. It can also help prevent migraines and relieve PMS symptoms.

If you're interested in the science behind why magnesium is so wonderful, see this article:

Food sources that are high in magnesium include:

Pumpkin seeds

Boiled spinach

Boiled swiss chard

Dark chocolate

Black beans

Cooked quinoa







Getting natural sources of magnesium in our food is perfectly safe; the more the merrier when it comes to magnesium in our diet!

(this salmon dish would be a great way to get magnesium in your diet)

Be wary of magnesium supplements, however. Large amounts of magnesium can build up in the body and cause irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure, confusion, slowed breathing, coma, and even death. But this is only if you take way too many magnesium supplements. This would never happen from magnesium found in our food.

(Who can say no to chocolate? A small portion of dark chocolate every day will help get more magnesium in your diet!)

So get more magnesium in your diet! Swap your protein for fish like halibut and salmon a few times a week, and try switching from rice to quinoa as a side dish. Avocados are very versatile - add them to a wrap, salad, make guacamole, or have them on toast. You can buy salted pumpkin seeds and have them as a snack (btw, they're delicious). You can also snack on almonds very easily, and they're also delicious.

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