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Foods that will help you catch some Zzz's

As a college student, sleep is something that I don't get a lot of these days. When I do find time to catch some zzz's though, it's a miracle if I can sleep all the way through the night.

What gives?

It turns out that catching up on sleep could be due to something as simple as the foods we eat, and when we eat them.

Here's some foods that will make you sleepy, so you can get better quality of sleep!

5 Foods to Help you Sleep

1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are good sources of potassium, magnesium, and calcium, which will all help you relax before its time to go to sleep! You could bake them, mash them, or put them on toast with honey or salt!

2. Pistachios

Pistachios are rich in protein, vitamin B6, and magnesium. Make sure you stick to a portion size of 1 ounce, though. Pistachios are a calorie-dense food, and eating too many calories before bed can actually keep you awake!

3. Apples, oranges, pears, cantaloupe

These fruits will keep you hydrated throughout the night, which in turn will help you fall asleep.

4. Almonds

Almond contain tryptophan (the same thing found in turkey that makes us sleepy after Thanksgiving dinner) and magnesium, which are both natural ways to reduce muscle and nerve function to relax your body before dozing off. They also work to steady your heart rate, which will make you relax faster.

5. Cherries, nuts, oats

Cherries, nuts, and oats contain melatonin, which will help you fall asleep. Regular consumption of melatonin will also regular your sleep schedule, making it easy to fall asleep every night.

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