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There are many complications that can come along with the diagnosis of diabetes. One of these complications that affects people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes is called gastroparesis.

Being diagnosed with gastroparesis means that the stomach takes too long to empty itself out, leaving the patient with symptoms like heartburn, nausea, bloating, and loss of appetite. Gastroparesis happens when the vagus nerve (the nerve that controls 75% of bodily functions) gets damaged and food doesn't move through our intestines as quickly or as well as it should.

Gastroparesis makes it challenging for diabetics to manage their blood glucose, because the food doesn't leave the stomach and enter the blood stream gradually, it happens all at once. And this delay in blood sugar rising can lead to hard to manage blood sugar levels.

Treatment for gastroparesis is trying to manage your blood glucose as well as you can, with insulin, oral medications, and lifestyle changes like diet and exercise.

Do you think you might have gastroparesis, or another diabetes-related complication? Give us a call today to book an appointment; our registered dietitians will be happy to assist you!

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