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Tips to Achieve your Food Goals for 2018

Happy 2018!

Some of the most common new year's resolutions involve food, whether it be to lose 10 pounds or to try to eat a healthier diet. These are great resolutions, but we all know it's difficult to stick to resolutions, especially food and fitness ones.

Here are some helpful tips to stick to your resolutions and to achieve your health and food goals for 2018!


It's not easy to completely change the way you eat and exercise the minute the ball drops and a new year begins. So, don't get discouraged if you don't become a completely new person overnight. Take it slow! Gradually change aspects of your diet and lifestyle, like switching your refined grains (white rice, white breads) to whole grain options. Then, instead of snacking on chips and sweets, try more wholesome snack choices like nuts and fruit. If you gradually make these changes, switching to a healthier lifestyle will become just that; a lifestyle.


Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as we all know. This is a great way to stay full and get plenty of energy to take on your day every day. Make smart breakfast choices, like fruit, whole grains, and yogurt.


Writing down what you eat is a good way to make you more aware of what you consume throughout the day. If you have to write down every thing you put in your mouth, then you'll stop and think if what you're eating is really worth it. There are some great free apps that you can download on your phone or other mobile device that make logging your food very simple. (I recommend myfitnesspal!)


Water is essential for every aspect of our lives. So, instead of reaching for soda or other sugary beverages (this includes alcohol), try a glass of water first. If you don't like the taste of water, I recommend keeping a pitcher of water in your fridge with sliced fruit in it (watermelon, limes, lemons). This way, drinking water won't be boring, and you won't be drinking countless grams of sugar like you would be if you chose soda. Seltzer water is also a great option, and it comes in many delicious flavors!


This one's important. When you're eating, make sure you slow down your chewing. Eating quickly will only leave you unsatisfied, and probably a little gassy. Make each bite matter. This will decrease your urge to mindlessly snack after meals, and will keep you full longer.


Cooking at home is the best way to know exactly what is in the food you're eating. You can also have better control of portion sizes, because you will be able to serve yourself. You also have the freedom to experiment with different spices and flavorings in food, which is a great way to eliminate salt and sugar.

Are there any other tips you swear by to start the new year off right? Let us know on our Facebook page!

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