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Avoiding Weight Gain Over the Holidays

The holidays are a difficult time of year if you're trying to lose a few pounds. There are so many delicious treats this time of year...Christmas cookies, pies, cakes, and so many other holiday foods. Not to mention the beverages! This is prime hot chocolate season, along with some festive holiday coffee flavors like chocolate and peppermint. With all of these temptations, its hard to avoid the inevitable pound or two most Americans gain by the time the New Year rolls around.

It is possible to maintain, and even lose, weight over the holidays!

First, focus on portion control. Especially with all of the parties and events this time of year, there will be lots of snack foods and cookies that are easy to binge on. So, take a smaller plate at these events. And only take a little of each food that you really want to try. It's easy so say that you'll only take a bite of each cookie you want to try, but lets face it. Taking one bite of a cookie and then putting it down is nearly impossible. Don't deprive yourself, though! You can still eat the foods you love this time of year, just take a little bit to satisfy your craving.

Another calorie trap that we're all guilty of is drinking our calories. Personally, I LOVE hot chocolate with marshmallows. And whipped cream? Delicious! But, this is a really easy way to drink more calories than you have been all year. One cup of hot chocolate is almost 200 calories. Again, this isn't to stop you from drinking hot chocolate altogether. Just don't make it a daily beverage, and treat yourself sparingly.

The same goes for alcohol. The holidays are a time for celebration, and this means breaking out the booze. But, be careful. One mixed drink has about 100 calories, and if you're going to a party and are planning on having multiple mixed drinks, these calories can add up.

But remember; the holidays aren't supposed to be stressful. Indulge yourself with cookies and candies and hot chocolate and mixed drinks...just not all the time. You can satisfy your cravings with just a little bit of these delicious foods.

Happy Holidays!

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