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Got Gas? Try Fixing it With Food!

Let's face it, we all have gas. In fact, the average person passes gas about 14-23 times a day. We keep it a secret, though, because even though we all do it, passing gas in public can be embarrassing and rude. For most of us, gas doesn't interrupt our every day lives. We can go to school, go to work, go out with friends, go out to eat, and many other activities with none of the pain, discomfort, and embarrassment that unwanted gas can bring.

Sometimes, however, this isn't the case. There are many reasons for excessive gas, from the foods we eat to certain health conditions.

Lets take a look at the food.

In our intestines, gas is created by bacteria breaking down the foods we eat. Gas is created as a result, and its pushed out of the large intestine. Some foods cause more gas than others, including:

-Beans and Lentils

-Vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, and cabbage

-Fructose, a natural sweetener

-Lactose, found in dairy

-High fiber foods, such as fruit, oat bran, and peas

-Starchy food like corn, pasta, and potatoes

-Artificial sweeteners like sorbitol and xylitol

-Whole grains like brown rice, oatmeal, and whole wheat bread

So that's a pretty long list...what doesn't give us gas? What foods are safe?

Luckily, these foods will cause varying amounts of excess gas based on the person. Some people can be more sensitive to dairy products, while others can consume as much dairy as they want and not have a problem.

A good way to figure out what foods are giving you excess gas is to keep a food diary. Experiment with these gas-causing foods, and see if taking them away from your diet will improve your symptoms. If so, stay away from these foods in your diet. Like if you eat a lot of pasta, and you experience more gas, cut back on the pasta. Your gut will thank you.

For some of us, excess gas is caused by an underlying health problem, and can be more uncomfortable.

Here are some very common health conditions that can cause excess gas. If you believe you have one of these, don't panic! There are ways to treat each of these, so you can live a more comfortable life.


Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a group of symptoms including pain in the abdomen, constipation/diarrhea, and excess gas. The cause of IBS is unknown, but it can be a very embarrassing condition. Ways to treat IBS are eating smaller meals more often, taking probiotic supplements, taking gas pills to help take off some of the pressure caused by gas. Fiber supplements can also help as well, to add more bulk to your stool if you are experiencing diarrhea. IBS is a common condition, affecting up to 45 million Americans.

-Lactose Intolerance

An intolerance to the sugar found in dairy products, lactose, can cause intestinal discomfort. Symptoms of lactose intolerance include bloating and gas. In some cases, taking an over the counter digestive enzyme, lactase, can help you digest dairy products more easily and alleviate the discomfort that gas brings.

Gas can be caused by other things as well, that most may not think of as influencing their intestinal activity.

Chewing gum, drinking carbonated drinks like soda, eating quickly, smoking, and loose dentures are all examples of swallowing air. By consuming excess air through our GI tract, this can cause gas, because once the air gets down to your intestines it has nowhere to go but out. So eat slower, cut back on the carbonation, and stop smoking.

Stress can also cause gas, because when we're stressed we breathe more deeply, which causes us to consume more air.

Exercise can be a great remedy to your gas troubles. Along with helping you feel less stressed, being active can help keep the unwanted gas at bay.

Remember, we all have gas every day. Its nothing to be embarrassed about, but if your gas is causing you discomfort, there are many simple ways to fix the problem!

Making small changes in your diet can often times make a world of difference. Experiment with a food diary, or try eliminating some common gas-causing foods like dairy or beans and lentils. Let your gut heal before you try slowly adding them back in.

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