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Go With Your Gut: Fruit Kvass Recipe

I've been doing some reading, and came across an author by the name of Celeste Longacre, who is big into farming and making your own foods from your garden. In her book, "Celete's Garden Delights", she has a chapter on fermentation and fermented foods.

Fermented foods used to be a staple in diets of the past, because there was no refrigeration to keep foods from spoilage.




  1. the chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, typically involving effervescence and the giving off of heat.

  • the process of fermentation involved in the making of beer, wine, and liquor, in which sugars are converted to ethyl alcohol

Some fermented foods include miso, sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, and kimchi. The microorganisms in these fermented foods will help feed the good bacteria in your gut, and will help the overall health and digestion of our digestive systems!

In Celeste Longacre's book, she has a recipe for fruit kvass, which is a fermented fruit beverage that you can mix with water to have a delicious, gut healthy fruit beverage that you can make at home!

You can make fruit kvass at home, but I found a specific recipe at this link: if you wanted to check out the full recipe and blog post yourself.

Here's a recipe for fruit kvass that will make your gut healthy and taste delicious during these hot summer days.

Fruit Kvass

-1/2 gallon jar

-1/2 cup fresh berries (smash them if they have a tough outer skin, like blueberries)

-add 1 orange cut up into pieces

-add kiwi or apple cut into pieces

-1 teaspoon of good quality salt (gray sea or Himalayan pink)

-Fill the jar with pure filtered water (no chlorine or fluoride), and leave 2 inches of air at the top of the jar

-Cover the jar tightly and place on the counter underneath a towel

-Shake the jar several times per day, and open the lid at least once a day to release trapped gasses

-After 2 days in a warm kitchen, or 3 days in a cool kitchen, strain out the fruit

-Add one or two tablespoons to every glass of water that you drink. Start slow if you've never had fermented foods before.


For more recipes, tips, and ideas, and for a Youtube Video of how to make fruit kvass, visit Celeste's website at

You can also customize your fruit kvass recipe! Try different fruits and vegetables. Your ingredients can be fresh, frozen, or dried fruits and veggies; whatever you like.

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