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A Cake Without Gluten is Still A Cake: The Truth About Going Gluten Free

"Gluten free" has become a fad diet, even if it's not medically necessary for someone to stick to a diet free of gluten. According to the New Yorker, 1 in 3 Americans say they are trying to eat less gluten, for various reasons. Some of the most popular reasons for going gluten free But why?

Gluten is a protein composed of glutenin and gliadin, which are two proteins found in grains. They give bread their ability to stretch, which gives breads and pastries their airy texture. Our body does not completely process gluten, however. When we eat anything containing gluten (e.g. bread, pasta, cereal, baked goods) our bodies see the gluten protein as an invader, and our body attacks these gluten molecules. We don't notice this, however, because our immune system attacks the gluten molecules and leaves the rest of our body alone. Don't worry, though. We consume far more harmful bacterium than gluten, and most of the time we are blissfully unaware because our immune system does such a good job of getting rid of the invaders. Some have a harder time consuming gluten, and this is called Celiac Disease.

In Celiac disease, the immune system does not attack the gluten molecules, it attacks a protein in our body called transglutaminase. Over time, when people with Celiac disease consume gluten, the lining of their gut wall gets broken down so much that they are unable to ingest the nutrients from food, which leads to diarrhea and weight loss. People can also suffer from non-Celiac gluten sensitivity, where people have the same symptoms of diarrhea and weight loss, but their gut is not damaged. About 3,000,000 Americans have Celiac disease, which is about 1% of average, healthy Americans. Up to 18,000,000 Americans suffer from non-Celiac gluten sensitivity.

So if gluten is not recognized by our bodies and triggers an immune response, why should we be consuming it? Shouldn't we avoid it if our bodies can't digest it?

The answer is, its up to you. Since most Americans can consume gluten without it damaging our bodies or giving us intestinal distress, because our immune systems take care of the gluten protein, we don't have to worry about avoiding gluten. It can be healthier to follow a completely gluten free diet, because it forces you to avoid breads and cereals, there can be serious health issues that come with avoiding everything gluten.

Fortified breads and cereals are a major source of Vitamin B in the United States, and this is a very important vitamin to have in our diets, especially for women of child bearing age. Vitamin B9, or folate, is essential for women who are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant, because folate deficiency can lead to birth defects such as neural tube defects, which can cause life long problems for the baby. Whole wheat food products are also a great source of dietary fiber, which helps the health of our bowels. Dietary fiber can be found in other gluten free foods, like beans and vegetables, but you have to eat much more of these foods to get the same effect as whole wheat bread.

If you don't have a gluten intolerance or sensitivity, don't feel pressured into going gluten free. Gluten free foods tend to be more expensive, and they are often times not healthier than their gluten versions. A cake without gluten is still a cake, so be careful thinking that gluten free foods are inherently healthier. Going gluten free for a health condition is also a burden on those who have to stick to a certain diet, and when others go on their diet and claim how amazing it is and how easy it is, it can be frustrating for those already suffering and who are bound to their diet plan.

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