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Out of Your Comfort Food Zone

Let's talk about stress. We've all had it, and according to studies, many of us cope with it the same way: food. A big bowl of chocolate ice cream or a bag of barbecue chips to take our mind off of our stressful lives and to escape into the land of sweet, salty, and savory deliciousness. There's no harm in doing this...right? Why is it that we crave junk food when we're stressed, and does this comfort food really give us comfort that will last?

Well, the science is simple, really. When we are stressed, our bodies produce a chemical called cortisol. This cortisol makes us crave carbohydrates, especially simple carbohydrates like foods with refined sugar. So we eat these simple sugars, which give us a high and a quick feeling of comfort for a while, but because they don't last for long in our bodies we are back to where we started, craving the same foods. This can lead to an overeating of carbs, and if we're stressed all the time we will be stuck in a cycle of constantly eating carbs. Eating lots of carbs all of the time can lead to weight gain, which can lead to the production of more stress chemicals. Cortisol reacts with enzymes in our fat cells, and this makes a higher production of cortisol. So, the more simple carbs we eat, the more weight we can (more fat cells), the more cortisol can be produced when we are stressed. Yikes.

Along with the foods we eat while we're stressed making us potentially gain weight, stress itself can make us gain weight. Studies show that when a person is stressed, their metabolism rates decrease, so they aren't able to burn off the junk food like they could before. This means that when we're chronically stressed, our fat cells have the potential to grow faster.

So how do we combat this? How can we fight stress with food in a healthy way? Thankfully, there's an answer. Here's a list of some comfort foods that will truly comfort you (long term) and won't make you gain unwanted weight.

1. Oranges

Oranges contain high levels of Vitamin C, which has been linked to lowering stress levels. Oranges are also convenient to take on the go, with their thick outer skin making them perfect to throw in a bag and take to work, school, or in the car.

2. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a complex carbohydrate, so it will keep you fuller longer, preventing the irritable feelings that often come along with being stressed. Oatmeal also causes the brain to produce serotonin, a feel-good chemical, leading to us feeling less stressed.

3. Grass-fed beef

Grass-fed beef is rich in antioxidants Vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene. Grass-fed beef is 2 to 4 times higher in Omega-3s than normal grain-fed beef, and will lower your levels of Omega 6 fatty acids! Antioxidants will work to lower stress levels. Although grass-fed beef can be pricey, it is worth the investment for the stress-lowering benefits it will bring.

4. Chocolate

Yes! A comfort food we're all used to indulging in! Chocolate is high in antioxidants, specifically polyphenols and flavonols, which fight stress. Chocolate also improves the mood simply by eating's one of the original comfort foods! Dark chocolate is more beneficial, and consuming small amounts often will keep your stress levels down.

5. Blueberries

Blueberries contain a chemical called anthocyanin, which helps your brain to be sharper throughout the day. Also, all berries, including strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, contain Vitamin C, which lowers your stress levels.

6. Avocados

Avocado lovers rejoice. Your favorite food can also be your favorite de-stressor. They contain a chemical called glutathione, which blocks your intestines from absorbing certain fats. They also contain folate, which is a chemical that keeps our stress levels low.

So there are some foods that will lower your stress levels and will keep them low!

Some foods that can increase stress levels, and you should avoid if you are experiencing chronic stress, are foods containing...

1. Caffeine, which is a stimulant to our nervous system and will increase heart rate and make us feel more stressed.

2. Alcohol, which stimulates the production of the same hormone the body produces when under stress. Studies show that stress and alcohol feed off of each other, so if you are feeling super stressed stay away from alcoholic beverages!

3. Refined sugar, which creates fluctuations in blood sugar and insulin levels, which cause irritability and poor concentration often associated with stress.

4. High sodium foods, which make you retain extra fluid. This creates more work on your heart, which makes your blood pressure increase. High levels of sodium can also cause bloating, water retention, and puffiness which drains your energy and increases your stress level.

So don't be so stressed! Take a deep breath, get comfortable, and enjoy some of these stress-fighting foods. Happy comfort eating!

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