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How to Eat Well on a Budget

Its hard having to be on a budget, and even harder to try and eat healthily when you're trying to stick to your budget. Money can be easily spent on other things, like rent or bills, and when it comes time to buy groceries, often times there is not enough to purchase the healthiest options. While on the surface eating healthily on a budget can seem like a challenge, it doesn't have to be. Whether you're saving for a big purchase and you don't have oodles of extra spending money, or you're a broke college student struggling to make ends meet, these tips and tricks for healthy eating can help save your diet and your wallet!

1. Leftovers

Leftovers can often be boring; eating the same meal three nights in a row can make anyone's taste buds yawn, but this doesn't have to be the case. There can be many ways to repurpose the same dish, and sometimes the end result can be unrecognizable from what you started with!

For example, chicken (or any meat for that matter). If you grill chicken breasts one night, and decide you don't want chicken and vegetables two nights in a row, spice things up with a salad! Chop the chicken into bite size pieces, and make a bed of romaine and iceberg lettuce. Add any vegetables you want, like tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers (the list is endless), and drizzle on some low-fat dressing. Voila! A completely new meal without breaking the bank!

2. Buy fruits and veggies in bulk

While fresh fruits and vegetables can be more appealing at times, there is no difference in nutritional value between fresh and frozen produce. Instead of buying fresh green beans, buy a large bag of frozen green beans and store them in your freezer until you're ready to use them. This way, if you decide not to use the beans right after purchasing them they won't go to waste, and often times bags of frozen veggies are less expensive than buying them fresh. Same goes with fruits! Bags of frozen blueberries will go for much less than buying the same amount of blueberries fresh.

3. Stick to your grocery list

The grocery store can be a wonderful place, but don't fall into temptation. When you run out of a certain food, start a list and stick to it when you take your weekly shopping trip. Only buy things on the list...impulse buys can often make your grocery bill sky high, and are often things that you don't need. Leave the chocolate bar at the register and stick to the list that you worked on all week! This will save money and leave you hungry for more nutritious options.

4. Central grocery store aisles...beware!

Grocery stores have done a sneaky thing to us consumers, by putting the processed, expensive "junk food" in the middle aisles of the store, so you have to walk through those aisles to get to the good stuff (like produce, fish, and meats) in the back of the store. The middle aisles will contain foods like chips, candy, soda, sugary cereals, and just over processed foods that will drive up your grocery bill and your daily calorie intake. Instead, focus on the list you have, and steer clear of the central aisles! This can be a challenge, but the farther away you can stay from foods like these the better.

These are some tips that I use when I'm trying to stick to my budget. What are yours? Do you swear by any money-saving tips that also benefit your quest for healthful eating?

Let us know by commenting below!

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